
Reverence is Timeless: 5 Characteristics to Personify Proverbs 31 By Martina Casey

“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). What was true thousands of years ago is true today. That’s the thing about God. His wisdom is timeless; His commands never go out of style.

With no servants or slaves and without a distaff and a spindle, how are we to follow her godly example? What are we to think of this Proverbs 31 woman in today’s America?

Here are five characteristics she exhibits:

  1. She loves unconditionally. Today’s Proverbs 31 woman heeds Jesus’s command in Matthew 22:37-39 to love the Lord, her God, with all her heart and to love her neighbor as herself.
  2. She’s hardworking. Like the Proverbs 31 woman, she takes care of her family by rolling up her sleeves at home, at work, or both, every day.
  3. She’s generous. The Proverbs 31 woman crosses all her T’s; talent, time, treasure and touch. She shares them lavishly, be it a hug, sizable donation or a simple prayer. She gives of herself generously.
  4. She’s prudent. In James 3:4-5 the tongue is compared to the rudder of the ship, that is, a very small part that controls the movement of a large vessel. The Proverbs 31 woman doesn’t gossip; not even the seemingly harmless kind. She doesn’t allow her rudder to control or sink her ship.
  5. She’s honored. You are a daughter of the Almighty, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Set the tone, do it humbly, but, yes, do set the tone. Do it at home. Do it at work. Do it in school. We tell those around us, explicitly and otherwise, how we want to be treated. And being a Princess and all, demand that the men around you treat you with honor and respect due to a daughter of the King of Kings.

The Proverbs 31 woman is your next door neighbor, you know, the mom rushing out the door with snacks and a change of clothes for everyone but herself. She’s the young woman prostrated in front of the Blessed Sacrament considering a religious vocation.

She’s the working momma rushing home to cook dinner for her family.  She’s the grandmother singing songs about the Lord (thank you Josh Wilson for this one-liner from your “Dream Small”).

She’s the pro-life activist reassuring a teenager that she’s not alone. She’s my friend, who’s grieving the loss of her daughter, Clara Philomena, who passed on to the Light of the Lord never having seen the light of this world, but still believes that the Lord is merciful and kind.

*This post is dedicated to all the children, who like Clara Philomena, went to the Lord having never seen the light of this world.