Women Need Men Who Love Like The Father by Nicole Moore

Men are awesome. When we have good men, we have good women. Good and holy men bring out what is best in the women around them.

A good man is a man who loves like God. When he does so, he reveals the tender love of God to those who have been entrusted to him. It sounds like a tall order because it is. While a tall order, every man on the face of this earth has the potential to do this. He has the potential to do this because God is ready and able to shower him with the necessary graces to love as He loves.

Below are three ways in which men can love like God in their lives.

1. Sacrifice

So important. As Christ said; “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”. In denying himself, a man loves in the same way that Christ loved us from the cross. Whether it’s something small like letting a girlfriend have the last cookie or something big like giving up your life for a loved one, God blesses it all.

Without the capability to sacrifice for others, a man is unable to emulate Christ. And if he is unable to emulate Christ, there is a lack in his masculinity. Jesus who is masculinity perfected, should be the model and guide for every man on earth.

2. Protect the dignity of every woman

While it is true that women are tasked with protecting the dignity of men as well, the role of protector belongs to men in a very special way. Because they share in God’s masculine nature, they also share in his role of protector and provider. When they strive to protect the dignity of the women in their lives, they just like God protect what is precious.

When a man is able to protect the dignity of the women in his life, he will; 1.) Reverence their beauty 2.) See them for who they are and not their parts and 3.) Blossom in his ability to cultivate chaste Christ centered relationships with them.

3. Be a Father

This one cannot be stressed enough. To recognize his role as father, whether single, married or consecrated is crucial. In a 2013 homily, Pope Francis stated the following: “When a man does not have this desire [fatherhood], something is missing in this man. Something is wrong. All of us exist, to become complete, in order to be mature, we need to feel the joy of fatherhood; even those of us who are celibate. Fatherhood is giving life to others, giving life, giving life.”

So again whatever vocation they are called to, men need to pray as to how they’re being called to step into the role of father. Is it to physical children, to spiritual children, or even to strangers in need of fatherly love? As a father’s love can be expressed in various ways, it’s just a matter of discovering how God wants this love to be manifested.

Whether you are a man or woman reading this post, meditate on what’s been said. Ask yourself if you’ve given or experienced these kinds of love in your life. If you answered yes – great, discover how you can go deeper into that love. If you answered no, take some time to figure out what can be changed in your life so that you can give and/or experience this kind of love.

May God Bless you.

St. Joseph pray for our men, may they be good and holy.